Vanport Mosaic


Visit the Vanport Mosaic website

Vanport Mosaic is a community-driven memory-activism platform that amplifies, honors, and preserves silenced histories in order to understand our present and create a future where we all belong. We worked with the founders of Vanport Mosaic on digital brand expression and messaging to create a new website that articulates focus on community engagement and historical expression.


Since expanding their programming, Vanport Mosaic needed a new site to serve the platform’s collaborative and abundance-based framework for storytelling, and to better highlight the many ways they engage with the community through their yearly festival, art, theatre, tours and exhibits.


By expanding the structure and clarifying the language of the main navigation, the new website establishes a tone with users that is as intuitive as it is immersive. Thoughtful content hierarchy defines Vanport Mosaic’s core mission, while promoting events and offering a platform for learning through primary resources and easy access to the Mosaic’s archives.


Our goal was to bring to life the concept of “the mosaic,”—to impart dynamism and inclusivity, reflect a community of diverse voices, expressions and disciplines, and clarify the primary missions of memory activism, amplification, and illumination of history.

The new site serves as an elegant expression of the Vanport Mosaic brand and a highly functional resource for their audience of current and prospective storytellers, collaborators, event attendees, funders, and supporters.


Engaging community members and generating networking interest and the exchange of ideas, the elevated interactive experience supports Vanport Mosaic as a collective of ever-changing and up-to-date event, editorial, historical, and narrative content.