Disability Rights Oregon


Visit the DRO website

Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) upholds the civil rights of people with disabilities to live, work, and engage in the community, working to transform systems, policies, and practices to allow more people to reach their full potential. We partnered with them to redesign their brand and website, and define a new standard of uncompromised accessibility for their visual and digital experiences.

Brand typeface description and visual diagram of accessible type features considered for the new Disability Rights Oregon non-profit brand design.
Branded business card design for Portland non-profit Disability Rights Oregon, by The Beauty Shop.
A vertical lineup of six colors in DRO's brand cool-leaning brand color palette,
An explanation of accessibility considerations made by The Beauty Shop for Disability Rights Oregon's brand color palette.

First, we worked with their team to design a visual brand with consideration for those with disabilities. Each of DROs brand elements—from color contrast to type weight to letter form—needed to be accessible and approachable to users with a wide range of cognitive, physical, and neurological backgrounds, all while imparting a serious impression in the courtroom.


Next, we set out to create a digital experience for DRO that demonstrates uncompromised accessibility. Every aspect of the website is measured to exceed ADA requirements.

Squarespace website About Us page, accessible interactive design by The Beauty Shop for Portland non-profit Disability Rights Oregon.
Accessible interactive design of a Squarespace website footer by The Beauty Shop for Portland non-profit Disability Rights Oregon.
A menu of categories designed to be accessible and screen-reader friendly, using DRO's brand palette and typography, designed by The Beauty Shop.

We tailored our research not only for users with hearing, sight, and cognitive challenges, but also for those experiencing houselessness, with limited access to hardware and connectivity, and from a broad set of neurodiverse backgrounds. The resulting site takes user-friendliness to the next level through visual appeal, brand consistency, and ultra-compatibility for screen reading devices and navigating by keyboard or commands—all designed with a clear, easy-to-navigate information hierarchy.

The Squarespace homepage, Get Help, and Take Action areas for Portland non-profit DRO. Accessible interactive design and development by The Beauty Shop, a women-owned creative agency.